Saturday, June 4, 2016

And I'm Back...

Last year, I got a job as a teacher, and it inspired me to revive this blog. However, as it tends to do, life got in the way for months and months. It took awhile, but here it is--revamped and renamed. I thought about blogging solely about teaching, but that felt too limiting. So, I will talk about teaching, cakes, entertainment, scrapbooking, travel, and aunt-as-parent-ing, among other things. I hope something I write will strike a chord with someone. I'm currently enjoying my first summer as a teacher, so I should have plenty of time to work out any bugs before school ramps up again. I hope to have things worked out pretty well by then.

I will be back in a couple of days with a post about my summer plans with my nieces. Stay tuned!

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